Tips To Treat Your Skin After PRP Facial With Microneedling

Tips To Treat Your Skin After PRP Facial With Microneedling

Microneedling with PRP is a cosmetic treatment on the face that stimulates the skin’s collagen production by rolling fine needles over the skin and applying platelets extracted from a person’s own blood. That said, microneedling on its own (without PRP) stimulates extra collagen production, which helps to heal scars and reduce aging signs. With the […]

Microneedling With PRP: Benefits, Side Effects, And More

Rohrer Spectrum Laser

Microneedling with PRP has gained popularity in recent years as this skin rejuvenation technique is minimally-invasive and does not involve chemicals. Many have shown widespread interest in RP Facial with microneedling looking to reverse aging signs and stimulate collagen production by rolling fine needles over the skin and applying platelets. The treatment method indeed uses […]

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