What Are The Benefits Of A VI Peel?

What Are The Benefits Of A VI Peel

VI Peel is a chemical peel with multiple formulations to address varying skin types and skin problems, such as wrinkles, fine lines, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, melasma, uneven skin texture, and dullness. As aging skin doesn’t produce the generous amounts of elastin and collagen it did in your younger year, VI Peel works by exfoliating the skin and stimulating the production of new proteins to rejuvenate the skin for a healthier, more youthful appearance.

VI peel is safe and effective for all types of skin and may be used on the face, neck, chest, arms, back, and legs despite having the formula that contains a proprietary blend of active ingredients, such as trichloroacetic acid (TCA), salicylic acid, phenol, vitamin C, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), and retinoic acid. It is a practically painless short-lived treatment and does not require skin preparation.

How Does VI Peel Work?

The process of VI Peel takes only takes 30 minutes and is typically a painless session. The blend of active ingredients is used to break down the top layer of skin and reveal healthy skin underneath. The exact procedure may differ slightly, but here’s what to generally expect:

  1. The practitioner will cleanse the skin and remove the dirt and oil. 
  2. VI Peel solution in two layers will then be applied.
  3. Some numbness or tingling may be experienced once the first layer is applied.
  4. Once the second layer is applied, the skin will frost or turn white.
  5. About 4 to 6 hours later, it’s time to wash off the peel.
  6. The skin will start peeling about three days after the procedure.

What Ingredients Are In A VI Peel?

The skin exfoliation and stimulation of new proteins production are commonly used to improve skin texture, correct pigmentary issues, and treat signs of aging. Here are the products used in VI Peels that are made up of a blend of ingredients that include:

  • Salicylic acid – reduces acne-causing bacteria by clearing pores and reducing inflammation.
  • Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) – increases collagen and cleanses the skin.
  • Retinoic acid – inhibits melanin production and increases cell turnover and exfoliation.
  • Phenol – anesthetizes the skin to allow chemical peels with no pain.
  • Hydroquinone – reduces oil deficiency, which helps the skin lighten and brighten.
  • Ascorbic Acid – a powerful antioxidant that smoothes skin tone, reverses free radicals, and helps prevent future damage.
  • Kojic acid – inhibits lubricants production.

What Are The Benefits of VI Peel?

VI Peel offers similar benefits to other light to medium chemical peels in the beauty market. Here are the most common conditions used to treat.

Fine lines and wrinkles

As mentioned above, the purpose of chemical peels is to break down the top layers of skin cells. It will then stimulate the body’s natural healing process and the production of new collagen and elastin. It’s been known that collagen and elastin are the two essential proteins that give the skin structure and elasticity. On the other hand, the loss of these proteins contributes to the formation of wrinkles. However, VI Peels and other superficial to medium-depth chemical peels can’t treat deep wrinkles or sagging skin.

Treating sun spots and discoloration

Chemical peels can help lighten skin areas darkened by sun damage or skin conditions like melasma. Phenol is the critical active ingredient used in chemical peels in treating skin discoloration and freckles.

Treating keratosis pilaris

Salicylic acid is one active ingredient in a VI Peel that helps break down bumps caused by keratosis pilaris (chicken skin), which are dead skin cells that clog hair follicles and produce bumps like the skin of a plucked chicken.

Who Are Good Candidates For VI Peel?

VI Peel can treat all skin types and ethnicities starting at age 18 to treat melasma, sun damage, acne, and post-acne marks. The required sessions would depend on the severity of the damage, and the products to be used following the peel may also vary depending on the individual’s skin. It is important to note that proper home care is intricate in enhancing and maintaining results.

What Are Precautions Of VI Peel?

There may be people that would experience side effects, although VI Peels are generally well tolerated. Here are the possible side effects:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Blistering
  • Burning pain
  • Dry skin
  • Infection
  • Inflammation
  • Itchiness
  • Redness
  • Scarring
  • Skin discoloration
  • Swelling

Even though VI Peels are suitable for all skin types and skin colors, it’s still a good idea for those with dark skin to consult beforehand so doctors can discuss how to avoid complications. Also, pregnancy, estrogen use, and excessive sun exposure after the procedure are risk factors for developing dark spots after a chemical peel.

How Many Treatments Are Required?

A series of 3-4 treatments are typically suggested to see the best results, but the sessions required will depend on each patient’s level of skin improvement. Treatment is generally done once every 2-4 weeks, and treatment is usually recommended every three months to help prevent skin aging.

The frequency to get a VI Peel depends on the budget and the specific skin condition. It is advised to wait for 4 to 6 weeks between treatments to see continuous results of VI Peel.

What Are The Aftercare Tips Of VI Peel?

Aftercare is relatively easy, like resisting the urge to pick, peel, or even touch the face after the treatment. It involves following the post-treatment care instructions received, such as sunscreen and using a moisturizer as instructed. Also, avoid aggressive ingredients such as acids and retinol until thoroughly cleansed by the practitioner. 

After the procedure, never forget to wash off the peel using a mild cleanser and water after about 4 to 6 hours and at least an hour before bed. The skin will likely start to peel three days after treatment. Below are the tips to follow after the procedure by:

  • Avoiding applying any creams or lotions until the peel has been washed off 
  • Applying the “Post Peel Protectant” given after the procedure two to four times per day
  • Applying moisturizer frequently until done peeling
  • Avoid direct sunlight when the skin is peeling and make sure to wear sunscreen when outside.

The Bottom Line

While peel season is upon us, now is the best time to tackle the skin irregularities and damage that has surfaced. The Sandbar Beauty Company offers VI Peel that helps treat a wide range of skin conditions, such as aging skin, melasma, active acne, sun damage, acne scarring, melasma, keratosis pilaris, and more skin issues. With over 10 million peels have been done worldwide in just 15 years, VI peel has become recognized as the #1 Peel by consumers and industry leaders.


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