How Does A VI Peel Work?

VI Peel

Sun exposure and harsh toxins contribute to aging as the skin becomes lax, pigmented, and rough. With the help of VI Peel, it can make a difference in as little as seven days since it’s specifically formulated to rejuvenate aging skin and help prevent future damage. It contains a synergistic blend of powerful ingredients suitable for all skin types. 

VI Peel helps improve the skin’s tone, texture, and clarity and provides anti-aging benefits. Also, it tightens skin, smooths texture, and brightens tone. Indeed, it is a great first-time peel for all age groups who want fresh, healthy, radiant skin.

How Is VI Peel Done?

For most people, Vi Peel is relatively painless, but more sensitive types may experience a mild to moderate burning or tingling sensation. However, these are just tolerable without topical anesthetic or pain medication. The good news is that a cooling device may use to minimize any discomfort.

A blend of ingredients helps break down the top layer of skin and reveal healthy skin underneath. Remember that the exact procedure may differ slightly, but here’s what to generally expect:

  • The practitioner will cleanse the skin to remove dirt and oil.
  • It will be followed by the application of the VI Peel solution in two layers.
  • Some numbness or tingling might be experienced by the patient once the first layer is applied.
  • The skin will “frost” or turn white once the second layer is applied
  • About 4 to 6 hours later, the patient must wash off the peel.
  • The skin will start peeling about 3 days after the procedure.

What’s In The VI Peel Treatment?

Since VI Peel is a medium-depth chemical peel, a deep understanding of its ingredient is vital since it penetrates the skin’s top layer of skin, reaching the dermis underneath. The product used in VI Peel is made up of a blend of ingredients that include:

  • Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and Phenol: Like chemical peels, both are skin smoothers that create a controlled skin injury, leading to regeneration and increased collagen and elastin production. The goal of TCA is to clear away dead skin cells to reveal the new skin layers below, treating concerns like skin discoloration, scarring, and wrinkles. At the same time, Phenol is often used to treat deeper concerns like sun damage, pigmentation, and facial lines.
  • Salicylic Acid: It is a go-to active product for acne and an extra boost of breakout-busting power for VI Peel. Specifically, Salicylic acid is used to exfoliate the skin, clean the pores, reduce mild breakouts of whiteheads and blackheads, and prevent future skin breakouts.
  • Retinoic Acid: An acid derivative of vitamin A and an anti-aging ingredient that can exfoliate, firm, and volumize the skin. Retinoic Acid helps regulate the growth and differentiation of skin cells, reducing acne, oil production, and inflammation. 
  • Vitamin C: It is known as a powerful antioxidant that counters some of the damaging effects of the sun and pollution. Additionally, it helps reduce pigmentation and improves the appearance of the skin. Vitamin C’s collagen-boosting properties are instrumental in plumping skin and smoothing wrinkles. 
  • Hydroquinone, Kojic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide, Hydrocortisone: VI Peel might contain these ingredients for their abilities to target breakouts, hyperpigmentation, and inflammation. 

What Cosmetic Conditions Can VI Peel Treat?

VI Peel is a skin exfoliation that peels off dead or damaged skin cells, promoting new skin to grow and rejuvenating complexion. Below are cosmetic concerns that VI Peel can address:

  • Acne Scars & Scars: Since VI Peel penetrates skin layers, it debrides and breaks down scar tissue.
  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles: It is a treatment that promotes cell turnover to create a youthful complexion
  • Uneven Skin Tone: The goal of VI Peel is skin layer penetration, which helps loosen collections of those hyperpigmented cells to even out the tone of the skin.
  • Uneven Skin Texture: VI Peel breaks down deposits of dead or damaged skin cells and oil.
  • Keratosis pilaris. Since VI Peel contains the salicylic acid ingredient, it helps break down bumps caused by keratosis pilaris, also known as chicken skin, a common skin condition that clogs hair follicles with its dead skin cell and produces bumps that resemble the skin of a plucked chicken.

Who Is A Good Candidate for An VI Peel?

VI Peel’s ideal candidates are fair to medium in skin color and are those: 

  • who wants to improve mild to moderate skin damage;
  • who want to heal acne;
  • who wants to reverse the signs of early aging. 

For those with darker skin tones, this treatment may cause hyperpigmentation. It is crucial to consult with a licensed practitioner to determine the eligibility in receiving the VI Peel treatment.

What Are The Possible Side Effects And Precautions Of VI Peel?

In general, VI Peels are painless and well-tolerated. Like any other peeling treatment, side effects may be inevitable to some people, which include:

  • allergic reaction
  • blistering
  • burning pain
  • dry skin
  • infection
  • inflammation
  • itchiness
  • redness
  • scarring
  • skin discoloration
  • swelling

Also, VI Peels are suitable for all skin types and colors but note that there may be a high risk of developing skin discoloration after a chemical peel for people with dark skin. In addition, another risk is developing dark spots for pregnant women, those who are using estrogen, and those who are excessively doing sun exposure after the procedure. Still, it’s a good idea to get a consultation before the procedure to learn how best to avoid complications.

What Are The VI Peel Aftercare Instructions?

About 4 to 6 hours after the procedure and at least an hour before bed, the patient should wash off the peel using a mild cleanser and water. The skin will likely start to peel 3 days after treatment.

To take care of the skin after the procedure, the following aftercare instructions can help:

  • avoid applying any lotions or creams until the peel is washed off;
  • use any post-peel protectant suggested by the dermatologist after the procedure two to four times per day;
  • apply moisturizer frequently until peeling is done;
  • avoid direct sunlight when the skin is peeling, and make sure to wear sunscreen when outside.

What Is The Recovery Process Associated With This Treatment?

The good thing about VI Peel is that normal activities can be resumed, but patients should avoid sun exposure and exercise after the treatment. Diligent skin care with Retin-A, hydrocortisone, moisturizer, and sunscreen will aid healing and mitigate possible side effects.

How Many Sessions Are Needed To See Optimal Results?

VI Peel’s results are realized after the first VI Peel treatment, developing after seven days as skin flakes and heals. To provide the best result, three to six treatments spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart are recommended, while maintenance treatments can be performed every six months. Note that the results are temporary and will change with natural aging and sun damage.

The Bottom Line

With over 10 million peels have been done worldwide in just 15 years, VI Peel has become recognized as the #1 Peel by consumers and industry leaders that promotes collagen production and cellular turnover, resulting in smoother, more radiant skin. The Sand Bar Beauty Company offers VI Peel, a peel for each skin issue, such as aging skin, active acne, acne scarring, melasma, sun damage, keratosis pilaris, and more.


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